Meera now single-handedly manages dance fees collection

Dance fee collection is simplified and automated with CoFee
Dance fee collection is simplified and automated with CoFee

Meera’s dance school was thriving after her mesmerizing Diwali performance brought in many new students. It felt like her bold move to quit her job and pursue dance full-time was finally paying off. But not everything was smooth sailing!!!

Many students to teach,

Many sessions to handle,

Many admissions to manage,

Many fees to collect.

Meera managed it all — except collecting dance fees.

Automate your
fee collection today.

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What challenges did Meera face in managing dance fees collection?

Collecting hostel fees is tedious and time consuming
Collecting dance fees is tedious and time consuming

Students pay dance class fees at different times of the month.

Chasing students with frequent reminders for overdue payments.

Struggling to coordinate manual reminders with parents of young students.

Keep separate records for one-on-one dance class sessions.

Manually entering and tracking all these fee collection data

The frustration was building. Managing fees drained her energy, pulling her away from her true passion: dance. Overwhelmed, she even limited new admissions to avoid further stress.

Meera dreamed of scaling her dance school into a professional academy, but these challenges held her back.


She found CoFee!!

Fee collection simplified with CoFee
Fee collection simplified with CoFee

How does CoFee help Meera with collecting dance fees?

CoFee is a fee collection app that simplifies the entire fee management process.

After a FREE DEMO with the CoFee team Meera was blown away by the automated payment links sent to students and parents, on any day of the month. CoFee’s simplified payment reminder feature really amazed her.

But the real game-changer?

Installment payments.

CoFee allowed Meera to offer installment options for one-on-one students. This flexibility opened up new opportunities: more students, more sessions, and customizable packages. The possibilities seemed endless.

Everything will ultimately help her to scale her dance school to a world-class academy. 

✔️ Now, Meera can focus more on dance and less on fee matters.

✔️ She has extra time to develop her skills.

✔️ New admissions no longer feel overwhelming.

✔️ Generate financial targets beyond expectations.

✔️ Her small dance school is now on its way to becoming a world-class academy.

All because of CoFee.

Now, Meera, and her students/clients say together:

“THANKS, CoFee!”

Like Meera, you too can simplify the dance fee collection with CoFee and focus on growing your dream.

Visit CoFee and get a FREE DEMO today! 

Download CoFee app from Playstore or App Store
Download CoFee app from Playstore or App Store

Automate your
fee collection today.

Sign Up for Free

Here’s a detailed picture of

How CoFee helped Meera solve her dance fee management problem:

  1. Automated payment links on due date
App interface of due dates and WhatsApp payment link for collecting fees through CoFee
App interface of due dates and WhatsApp payment link for collecting fees through CoFee

Every student pays fees on different days. But with CoFee, Meera was able to collect dance fees with automatic payment links sent to the students or parents on the set date.

  1. Separate groups for different students
App interface for group creation for collecting fees through CoFee
App interface for group creation for collecting fees through CoFee

Meera offers group classes, one-on-one sessions, weekly and daily programs, and caters to students with varying schedules and fee structures. CoFee helped her organize these groups separately and automate the payment collection process, without any confusion.

  1. Late fee tracking and sending reminders
App interface of late fee reminder feature
App interface of late fee reminder feature

Some students forget to pay and sometimes the parents need an extra reminder. Simplified payment reminders in CoFee becomes a savior. No more phone calls or texts for payment reminders. Everything has become easier for both them and Meera.

  1. Installment option for premium clients
App interface of partial payment for collecting fees through CoFee
App interface of partial payment for collecting fees through CoFee

Meera has a few premium clients who prefer dance classes weekly or monthly once at their convenience. For those valuable customers, Meera could provide an extra value with a fee installment option easing the fee payment experience for the student as well as for Meera.

  1. Instant digital receipts
Instant digital receipts for fee payment on WhatsApp and CoFee app
Instant digital receipts for fee payment on WhatsApp and CoFee app

When someone pays, they receive the receipt digitally right away. Thanks to CoFee; no more paperwork and extra staff for managing fee receipts.

Save paper, save trees!

  1. Multiple payment options without extra expense
App interface of payment gateway for payers with different payment options through CoFee
App interface of payment gateway for payers with different payment options through CoFee

Meera could provide her customers with various payment options like credit/debit cards, UPI, wallet, net banking and more without any extra expense of buying POS machine.

  1. Quick Collect for custom payers
App user interface of Quick Collect link creation for collecting fees through CoFee
App user interface of Quick Collect link creation for collecting fees through CoFee

A few students prefer to pay on an hourly basis. For them, Meera can send a customized payment link, so that every payment is recorded in a single app while easing the fee collection process.

  1. Data insights for future reference
App interface of fee collection overview through CoFee
App interface of fee collection overview through CoFee

CoFee securely stores all information regarding fee management right in the app. This helps Meera to refer them in the future for taxation or other financial purposes.

A gem for dance schools and academies (of all sizes)

CoFee was more than just a fee collection app for Meera. It really made her vision bigger - to build a larger world-class dance institute. Like any big dream, the journey came with challenges.

One of her biggest stress points was resolved with CoFee, which simplified fee collection and management without the need for extra administrative staff. Instead, Meera used her resources to hire more dance teachers and grow her academy.

Now, she’s searching for a bigger space to accommodate thousands of students.

Thank you, CoFee, for helping dance teachers like Meera go the extra mile!

Are you a dance school owner struggling with fee management?

You might be facing similar challenges with fee management as Meera did.

Whether you have just a few students or a packed schedule, don’t let fee collection hold you back.

CoFee offers customized fee collection solutions for dreamers like you.

Get CoFee Now!

Simplify fee collection with a single platform.

Got questions? Schedule a FREE DEMO to understand how CoFee can solve your fee management challenges.

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