Every inmate at Vikas Hostel now pays hostel fees on time

Hostel was the only income source for Vikas. He worked hard to lease a building, advertise, and fill it with inmates.
But managing everything alone was tough, so he hired a warden on a decent salary.
However, when reviewing finances, Vikas noticed missing fee payments.
Who could he ask?
The inmates?
No, that wouldn’t help.
When he asked the warden, they couldn’t provide clear answers about the fee management issues.
Automate your
fee collection today.
What did Vikas lose without a proper hostel fees collection system?

❌ Lost several payments.
❌ Lost trust in the warden.
❌ Lost peace of mind.
❌ Lost hard-earned money.
Why did this happen?
Difficulty in managing hostel fee payments
Difficulty in finding a reliable staff
Difficulty in reminding inmates about late fees
Difficulty in keeping track of late payments
Difficulty in managing finance
What did Vikas do?
He switched to CoFee.
How did CoFee help Vikas with his hostel fees collection troubles?

CoFee is…
…an online fee collection app with automated fee payment reminders, digital receipts, and an easy-to-use interface.
CoFee helps…
…hostel owners like Vikas who struggle to keep track of fee or rent collection. With just one app, he knows who paid and who didn’t.
He can send out notifications to the hostel inmates, so there is no headache of constantly reminding them.
Thanks, CoFee!
✔️Vikas is getting fees on time.
✔️He has no stress of reminding the inmates about late fees every month.
✔️He doesn’t need a warden to manage and keep track of fee records.
✔️He spends more time with his family since the main headache of running a hostel – collecting fees – is all sorted, right on his mobile phone.
All because of CoFee.

Now, Vikas, his family, and even the inmates say together:
“THANKS, CoFee!”
Like Vikas, you can simplify hostel fee collection with CoFee.
Visit CoFee and get a FREE DEMO today!
Automate your
fee collection today.
Here’s a detailed picture of:
How CoFee helped Vikas solve his hostel fees management problem
- Separate groups for Premium and Regular inmates
Vikas created different groups in CoFee for premium and regular room inmates. This helped him collect different fees without confusion.

- Automated payment reminder links on due date
On the set due day of rent payment, CoFee sends customized links to all inmates via WhatsApp, SMS and email. No more manual reminders for Vikas.

- Late fee tracking and sending reminders
Vikas can easily monitor the inmates who haven’t paid fees past the due date. He can send reminders to them through WhatsApp, E-mail, and SMS, saving him from repeated follow-ups. Lots of stress avoided and time saved...!

- Partial payment options
Some inmates prefer to pay as parts, like installment. Vikas did not want to let them down and he offered an installment option for hostel rent right through CoFee. He does not have to get confused over split payments since CoFee takes care of it.

- Multiple payment options without extra expense
With CoFee, Vikas can accept payments through credit cards, debit cards, UPI, net banking, wallets, and whatnot…! All without spending a dime on expensive POS devices and losing desk space to QR codes.

- Quick Collect for daily rent payers
With CoFee’s “Quick Collect” feature, Vikas can easily collect fees from short-term/daily rent inmates. He can set a custom amount and send the payment link to the inmate through WhatsApp, SMS, and E-mail.

- Instant digital receipts
The moment an inmate makes a payment, CoFee sends auto-generated receipts instantly. No hassle of manually writing hundreds of receipts.
Save paper, save trees!

- Insights for future reference
CoFee securely stores all information regarding fee management right in the app. This helps Vikas to refer them in the future for taxation or other financial purposes.

A lifesaver for hostel business
CoFee wasn’t just another payment app for Vikas. It really changed the way he operated the hostel business.
Vikas is even planning to expand his hostel business since CoFee’s easy fee management system gave him the confidence that he can easily handle fee payments even with thousands of inmates.
Are you a hostel business owner?
You may have several issues regarding fee management just like Vikas. CoFee is the right solution for your fee collection problem.
Wait no more!!
Get CoFee Now!
Simplify fee collection with a single platform.
Got questions? Schedule a FREE DEMO to understand how CoFee can solve your fee management challenges.
Visit CoFee now!